I have been very busy lately. Because we raised the number of CSA shares? Nope. Spring planting? Nope. Because we are understaffed? Wrong again.
I have been busy because we have to do a lot of things that are not farming at my farm. The most recent such thing is an earth day party. We are expecting 3000 people over the course of 5 hours. This is a complete guess.
Since I need 3000 people to show up I have been walking around to houses in the area and putting fliers on their doormats. This has given me a unique opportunity to view/judge the gardens in the area.
- A house with a haggard garden with every plant labeled with its scientific name
- A house with a moat containing the worlds largest koi fish
- A house with an orange tree when I was hungry
- An entire neighborhood with homemade truck themed mailboxes
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